Thursday, 29 October 2015

A Complete Guide to Mechanical Vaping Mods

Are you looking for cheap vape mods? Well, if you’re just a beginner with vaping, then a mechanical mod may not be the best option for you since these devices don’t have the inbuilt safety aspects of our usual vaping kits. However, you need some additional knowledge in order to use mechanical mods safely. This article is a complete guide to mechanical mods.

What’s a mechanical mod?

SHARK TANK Adjustable Airflow Glass (e-liquid) $19.99

A mechanical mod is a basic personal vaporizer instrument. It’s a pipe that possesses a replaceable rechargeable battery and on the pipe is a switch that when occupied completes a circuit that generates unfettered current to the vaporizer. A mechanical mod possesses no wiring or soldering.

Why pick a mechanic mod?

A prime reason some smokers pick an automatic mod aside from visuals is their strength. In a standard atomizer, the device is heavily reliant on electronics and if any unit malfunctions, repair is generally not feasible for the normal vapers. Some electronic vaporizers are also fundamentally a disposable appliance in that as soon as their batteries reach to their end of life cycle, the battery can’t be substituted.

Some vapers pick mechanical mods for the aptitude to operate low resistance vaporizers that can’t be operated on other types of vaping device; however, this’s riskier than making use of normal resistance device, so needs special attention.

Is a mechanical mod secure?

Horizon™ SPARTAN MINI Tank $24.99

No lithium battery-driven equipment is hundred-percent secured given the amount of power stored in what is a reasonably minute battery. Electronic vaporizers are usually safer in comparison to mechanical mods because of their inbuilt safety aspects that safeguard against faults like short circuits. However, superior quality mechanical mod device in the hands of a veteran vaper is quite secure.

What are possible risks?

Issues like short circuits can make a battery to discharge at such a speed that it heats to a point of it venting and catching fire. Blast is also a possibility, if the vent gases can’t escape.

Mechanical mod safety tips:

• Get a multi-meter – a multi-meter is an extremely helpful tool while using mechanical mods. With such tools, you will be able to observe battery voltage and resistance of your atomizers and clearomizers and identifies shorts on body of the mechanical mod.

• Use quality battery – unprotected lithium-ion batteries shouldn’t be employed in mechanical mods as these have a greater risk of overheating.

• Battery chargers – all battery chargers aren’t made equally. A poor quality charger can over charge a battery, making it unbalanced and greatly increasing the chance of an explosion when in use.

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